Vanilla beans are amazing. These beans have the power to change servings of crème brûlée into marriage proposals, and scoops of ice cream into childhood memories. In addition to having an appearance and smell that remind me of fairy wands. They should not be wasted or taken for granted in any way.
Some recipes simply yearn for the delicate flavors that a Madagascar vanilla bean can only provide, as well as the lovely black specks that alert people to the fact that they are consuming something extra-special. The delightful flavor of vanilla beans may be added to food in a variety of ways, including cooking, which is a great application for them. If you have any leftover beans, you can scrap the caviar, and add it to your cold-brewed coffee or maple syrup because they are edible and flavorful. There are many uses for vanilla beans. Vanilla powder for example can be produced by grinding dried vanilla beans, and it can be used in a variety of dishes. Let’s talk about how to make the most of a vanilla bean when a recipe calls for one.

What makes vanilla beans special?
Although there are various uses for vanilla beans, baking is the most popular. The beans can be utilized in savory meals in addition to adding a ton of flavor to baked items. The outer pod of the vanilla bean can be used to flavor milk, cream, and sugar. Use your non-dominant hand to hold open a split vanilla bean, trim the ends, and scrape out the seeds. You can also use a paring knife if you don’t have a scraping knife.
You can use the whole bean, a portion of it, or scraped caviar for making desserts. This will improve the seeds’ capacity to flavor the drink. The split pod’s seeds can also be used to flavor vanilla buttercream or room-temperature cookies. You can also use the entire vanilla bean as an alternative.
Choosing and storing vanilla beans
And if you do decide to invest in them and begin using vanilla beans in your cuisine, be sure to use only the best, such as those from FITNCLEAN VANILLA. Feel through the wrapping when you pick them up at the store; if the beans are plump and somewhat pliable to the touch, buy them. To be the greatest, they should also have a glossy appearance and a potent fragrance. It will be more difficult for you to scrape out the caviar of the ones that appear dull and feel fragile, so avoid choosing those.
The remaining vanilla beans should be kept in a sealed plastic bag with the air squeezed out if you just use a portion of the beans after opening the packet. Keep them at room temperature in a dry, dark location, preferably a cupboard. It is preferable to purchase vanilla beans when you are certain that you will utilize them all. Even when sealed, they eventually have a tendency to dry out. Therefore, make the most of them.
Using vanilla beans in cooking
You can scrape the seeds from the vanilla pods you purchase when you’re ready to utilize them. For instance, you can combine them with the other ingredients in your baked items. And after the product is ready, it will appear as dark flecks in the food. Not only are the speckled seeds remarkable in appearance, but they also add a lot of flavor to the dish.
It’s assumed that three teaspoons of commercial vanilla extract are roughly equal to one medium size vanilla bean pod. If your recipe calls for extract, you can make it from the bean pod. But no matter what form your cuisine is, adding those seeds won’t hurt it at all. In fact, the seeds enhance the flavors and textures of your food and provide even more vanilla flavor.
So you’re utilizing the vanilla seeds you scraped out of the pod, but wait! The pods have a lot of flavors as well; you don’t want to waste them. After removing the seeds with a spoon, you may use them to flavor milk, cream, powdered sugar, salt, and maple syrup, among other meals! If the food type to be infused is dry, then, you must first dry them out before adding them.
For light and airy dishes like cakes, cupcakes, or muffins, vanilla pods are fantastic to use. Here are some ideas to make use of vanilla bean pods.

- Salt, sugar, and vanilla
Infusing spent vanilla bean pods in a jar of sugar is the most typical usage for them. Or, even better, throw the dried vanilla pods and sugar into a blender or food processor for a smooth even mixture. Stir a spoonful in your coffee for a vanilla goodness experience. Before baking, roll balls of sugar cookie dough in vanilla sugar. A similar method to vanilla sugar results in something more peculiar: Vanilla Salt is a flavoring that can be used in puddings, caramels, cookies, and more. Use it on or on top of chocolate chips, butterscotch, or all-chocolate cookies. Infuse the spent pods in a salt jar or salt cellar and let them sit for a few weeks. It goes without saying that salt is also tasty when used in savory dishes. Try it with roasted carrots, lobster, shrimp, or sweet potatoes. As a general rule, use vanilla salt or sugar for regular ones in all recipes. You can use it to salt the rim of a margarita glass to give your lips an unexpectedly sweet taste
Shake the jar of sugar or salt every few days to make sure the vanilla flavor is distributed throughout the mixture. Also, you don’t necessarily need to use white sugar. The additional oomph will improve all sugars, including brown sugar, coconut sugar, and palm sugar.
- Pierced and poached fruit
Fruit can be poached with vanilla pods, whether they are dried or still fresh. Almost all stone fruits pair nicely with vanilla, as do apples, pears, and prunes. Oh, and remember to keep the syrup. It might be great to sweeten tea, serve over ice cream, or poach extra fruit depending on the spices you added.
- Vanilla oil
Heat a light, neutral oil in a saucepan—vegetable, olive, or even coconut oil would do—to create vanilla oil. You just need it to be slightly warm to help with the infusion; you don’t want it to sizzle. Into a heat-resistant glass mason jar with the warm oil, add spent, split Madagascar vanilla bean pods; don’t secure the lid until the oil has cooled to room temperature. Use it whenever an oil-based recipe is called for, including salads, marinades, and even brownies, after letting it steep for a few days.
Using vanilla beans to make vanilla extract
You may produce your own vanilla extract from Madagascar vanilla beans to use in recipes; it will, predictably, taste better than any brand of vanilla extract you can purchase at the supermarket. A minimum of a month and a half (roughly six weeks), is required to make the extract, so you will also need to prepare this in advance. Use eight medium size vanilla pods and about one cup of vodka. Cut the beans up into pieces and place everything in a glass container, add the alcohol and close the lid. Next, shake the bottle frequently to ensure that the flavor is mixed throughout the alcohol.
Always get your Madagascar Vanilla Beans from a reputable provider such as FITNCLEAN VANILLA. Make use of Madagascar vanilla beans in your cuisine and enhance its taste.